Hello again! A few months ago I posted A case against strong longtermism and it generated quite a lot of interesting feedback. I promised to write a response “in a few weeks”, where by “few” I meant 9.
Anyway, the response ballooned out into multiple posts, and so this piece is the first in a three-part series. In the next post I’ll discuss alternatives to decision theory, and the post after that will be on the subject of knowledge and long-term prediction.
Proving too much: A response to the EA forum
Hello again! A few months ago I posted A case against strong longtermism and it generated quite a lot of interesting feedback. I promised to write a response “in a few weeks”, where by “few” I meant 9.
Anyway, the response ballooned out into multiple posts, and so this piece is the first in a three-part series. In the next post I’ll discuss alternatives to decision theory, and the post after that will be on the subject of knowledge and long-term prediction.
Looking forward to the discussion!