One (maybe?) low-effort thing that could be nice would be saying “these are my top 5” or “these are listed in order of how promising I think they are” or something (you may well have done that already and I missed it).
Ah, yes, this is probably useful and definitely low-effort (I’ve now done it in 1 minute, due to your comment).
The list was actually already in order of how promising I think they are, and I mentioned that in footnote 1. But I shouldn’t expect people to read footnotes, and your feedback plus that other feedback I got on other posts suggests that readers want that sort of thing enough / find it useful enough that that should be said in the main text. So I’ve now moved that info to the main text (in the summary, before I list the 19 interventions).
I think the main reason I originally put it in a footnote is that it’s hard to know what my ranking really means (since each intervention could be done in many different ways, which would vary in their value) or how much to trust it. But my ranking is still probably better than the ranking a reader would form, or than an absence of ranking, given that I’ve spent more time thinking about this. Going forward, I’ll be more inclined to just clearly tell readers things like my ranking, and less focused on avoiding “anchoring” them or things like that.
One (maybe?) low-effort thing that could be nice would be saying “these are my top 5” or “these are listed in order of how promising I think they are” or something (you may well have done that already and I missed it).
Ah, yes, this is probably useful and definitely low-effort (I’ve now done it in 1 minute, due to your comment).
The list was actually already in order of how promising I think they are, and I mentioned that in footnote 1. But I shouldn’t expect people to read footnotes, and your feedback plus that other feedback I got on other posts suggests that readers want that sort of thing enough / find it useful enough that that should be said in the main text. So I’ve now moved that info to the main text (in the summary, before I list the 19 interventions).
I think the main reason I originally put it in a footnote is that it’s hard to know what my ranking really means (since each intervention could be done in many different ways, which would vary in their value) or how much to trust it. But my ranking is still probably better than the ranking a reader would form, or than an absence of ranking, given that I’ve spent more time thinking about this. Going forward, I’ll be more inclined to just clearly tell readers things like my ranking, and less focused on avoiding “anchoring” them or things like that.
(So thanks again for the feedback!)