Hi Hauke, thanks for answering! I’m going to split up sub-questions into multiple comments so the threads don’t get too tangled.
Our niche is to specialize on global poverty charities / interventions and we hope to continue to add to the knowledge base in this area. For instance, this means that we likely will not do much in-depth research on Marijuana legalization in Vermont. … Givewell now has 18 Full-time staff (and is expanding), but many work on the Open Philanthropy project and not that many on their top charities.
It sounds like you think GiveWell isn’t very focused on global poverty charities, but that’s not true. Compared to GWWC, they devote both a larger absolute number of staff, and a larger fraction of their staff, to researching global poverty charities (they attribute about half of their costs to their traditional work here, which implies ~9 full-time-equivalent people working on the traditional work.)
Oh sorry, I think I was not clear enough on this issue. I absolutely agree with you. Givewell is quite focused on global poverty issues. I do think that Givewell spends significantly more resources on research than we do. But as you said it’s only ~9 full-time staff instead of 18 full time staff as one might think just looking at the staff page.
Hi Hauke, thanks for answering! I’m going to split up sub-questions into multiple comments so the threads don’t get too tangled.
It sounds like you think GiveWell isn’t very focused on global poverty charities, but that’s not true. Compared to GWWC, they devote both a larger absolute number of staff, and a larger fraction of their staff, to researching global poverty charities (they attribute about half of their costs to their traditional work here, which implies ~9 full-time-equivalent people working on the traditional work.)
Oh sorry, I think I was not clear enough on this issue. I absolutely agree with you. Givewell is quite focused on global poverty issues. I do think that Givewell spends significantly more resources on research than we do. But as you said it’s only ~9 full-time staff instead of 18 full time staff as one might think just looking at the staff page.