Additional thought: if we assume that people can gain skills from reading fiction (or from otherwise engaging in imaginary world, such as via films or games), does HPMOR give the best “return on investment” per hour spent? Is it better than reading War and Peace, or watching John Green videos, or playing Life is Strange? I’m skeptical that on EAs tend to be bias in favor of it, and therefore we would neglect other options.
(I’m not really expecting anyone to have actual data on this, but I’d be curious to see people bounce the idea around a bit)
Additional thought: if we assume that people can gain skills from reading fiction (or from otherwise engaging in imaginary world, such as via films or games), does HPMOR give the best “return on investment” per hour spent? Is it better than reading War and Peace, or watching John Green videos, or playing Life is Strange? I’m skeptical that on EAs tend to be bias in favor of it, and therefore we would neglect other options.
(I’m not really expecting anyone to have actual data on this, but I’d be curious to see people bounce the idea around a bit)