Hi Julia, this is a really valuable post. I am curious about what you and the team consider the scope of your responsibilities. Do you feel responsible for all the parts of the EA universe? Or on the other extreme are you only focused on groups and events that are directly affiliated to CEA, either through people or funding? Are there any events or groups that might be considered very EA or EA-aligned where you would say, ‘We are not the right community health team to work on this?’
I have no specific cases or issues that I am alluding to, I am just curious :)
Mostly I suggest that people ask us if a situation comes up where you think we might be able to help, and we’ll let you know!
To some extent it depends on capacity at the time. Sometimes we’ve had capacity to help with situations that were EA-adjacent but not obviously within the EA space. Other times a situation is clearly within EA but we think the services needed are better served by a professional mediator, lawyer, etc and we’d refer to someone with those skills. CEA can sometimes help EA groups or organizations pay for those services if it would help resolve a problem—that’s also something you should feel free to ask about. This is a good question—I’ve added a bit about this to the post.
Hi Julia, this is a really valuable post. I am curious about what you and the team consider the scope of your responsibilities. Do you feel responsible for all the parts of the EA universe? Or on the other extreme are you only focused on groups and events that are directly affiliated to CEA, either through people or funding? Are there any events or groups that might be considered very EA or EA-aligned where you would say, ‘We are not the right community health team to work on this?’
I have no specific cases or issues that I am alluding to, I am just curious :)
Mostly I suggest that people ask us if a situation comes up where you think we might be able to help, and we’ll let you know!
To some extent it depends on capacity at the time. Sometimes we’ve had capacity to help with situations that were EA-adjacent but not obviously within the EA space. Other times a situation is clearly within EA but we think the services needed are better served by a professional mediator, lawyer, etc and we’d refer to someone with those skills. CEA can sometimes help EA groups or organizations pay for those services if it would help resolve a problem—that’s also something you should feel free to ask about. This is a good question—I’ve added a bit about this to the post.
Thanks Julia!