Thanks for the suggestion! Could you expand on this idea a bit? Are you imagining that each post has a button that lets you translate the post body into any language you select?
I think most events have a specific language they will cater to, so if you can’t read the Italian event description you probably won’t get much from attending the event.
That said, I have been considering adding “languages spoken” to the user profile, and displaying what languages are spoken by the event attendees on the event page (based on people RSVPing). This could be helpful if you are looking for nearby in-person events but you don’t speak the local language (ex. you are traveling or recently moved). But I assume users will generally ignore any events posted in a language they don’t understand.
Sort of. I’m imagining that each post that is not in the user’s preferred language would have a button that lets the user translate the post body into that language. This would work like the equivalent feature on Airbnb (example).
Speaking for myself, I’m curious about what events other EA communities around the world are organizing, so I think this feature would be nice. Right now, I’m able to right click on the page to have my browser translate it into my preferred language, which might be enough for most users who are interested in viewing forum posts in other languages. But having a translate widget on the page might still be more beneficial, if only because it’d be easier to use.
Thanks for the screenshot—that’s helpful! I’ll add this suggestion to our list for triage, though I think the browser’s translation is good enough for most cases.
Thanks for the suggestion! Could you expand on this idea a bit? Are you imagining that each post has a button that lets you translate the post body into any language you select?
I think most events have a specific language they will cater to, so if you can’t read the Italian event description you probably won’t get much from attending the event.
That said, I have been considering adding “languages spoken” to the user profile, and displaying what languages are spoken by the event attendees on the event page (based on people RSVPing). This could be helpful if you are looking for nearby in-person events but you don’t speak the local language (ex. you are traveling or recently moved). But I assume users will generally ignore any events posted in a language they don’t understand.
Sort of. I’m imagining that each post that is not in the user’s preferred language would have a button that lets the user translate the post body into that language. This would work like the equivalent feature on Airbnb (example).
Speaking for myself, I’m curious about what events other EA communities around the world are organizing, so I think this feature would be nice. Right now, I’m able to right click on the page to have my browser translate it into my preferred language, which might be enough for most users who are interested in viewing forum posts in other languages. But having a translate widget on the page might still be more beneficial, if only because it’d be easier to use.
Thanks for the screenshot—that’s helpful! I’ll add this suggestion to our list for triage, though I think the browser’s translation is good enough for most cases.