Numerical steers on speed on biotech democratisation (e.g. how representative is CRISPR from nature paper to iGEM team in < 1 year?)
On this topic, I was recently pointed towards this 2020 paper on “The Accelerating Pace of the Democratization of Biotechnology” (PDF link, paywalled Nature Biotech link) which measures a number of biotechnologies from the “initiation year” to the following milestones:
On this topic, I was recently pointed towards this 2020 paper on “The Accelerating Pace of the Democratization of Biotechnology” (PDF link, paywalled Nature Biotech link) which measures a number of biotechnologies from the “initiation year” to the following milestones:
Reproduced in other labs
Reproduced in other systems
Fee for service
University lab class
Low skill
Medium skill
Low finance
Medium finance
Seems like a great example of this kind of work!
Thanks—edited post to add a link to this as an example, and referenced your comment.