[Question] [Solved] Was my post about things you’d be reluctant to express in front of other EAs manually removed from the front page, and if so, why?

I think yesterday it was on the front page at the #2 spot, and now it’s totally disappeared. Was this just a normal algorithm or timing thing, or was it manually removed? I wonder if it was manual because another post of mine was on the front page with far fewer upvotes, and it was posted on the same day, though it remains on the front page while this other post is gone. But of course, it could well be some automatic thing that I don’t understand the mechanism of. If it was manually removed, why?

The post: https://​​forum.effectivealtruism.org/​​posts/​​k8d59pe4zryfaioM6/​​link-what-opinions-do-you-hold-that-you-would-be-reluctant