Giving What We Can tells me that I have donated $27,846 this year, which together with my donations from last year brings me to a total of ~78k donated, comfortably ahead of my pledge of 10% (which would amount to ~12k). I donated less than last year due to a move and a few personal reasons but aspire to bring my donations up again to something closer to 50% of my income.
Shoutout to the team at @Giving What We Can for providing these neat graphics, I’ve found this a) super motivating and b) very time-saving compared to how I tracked my donations last year!
I work on AI Governance (and support a number of field- and community building projects) so most of my donations go to GHD. I have since added a recurring donation to the Humane League and am considering adding more animal welfare charities to my donation portfolio. “Others” is mostly AW charities atm.
Giving What We Can tells me that I have donated $27,846 this year, which together with my donations from last year brings me to a total of ~78k donated, comfortably ahead of my pledge of 10% (which would amount to ~12k). I donated less than last year due to a move and a few personal reasons but aspire to bring my donations up again to something closer to 50% of my income.
Here’s where my donations went[1]:
Shoutout to the team at @Giving What We Can for providing these neat graphics, I’ve found this a) super motivating and b) very time-saving compared to how I tracked my donations last year!
I work on AI Governance (and support a number of field- and community building projects) so most of my donations go to GHD. I have since added a recurring donation to the Humane League and am considering adding more animal welfare charities to my donation portfolio. “Others” is mostly AW charities atm.