Hey Christoph, I think it would be a real shame if you let not helping some amount of animals through diet change stop you from helping any animals at all—especially when you can actually help far more animals though donating than you can through diet change. Making being vegan the price of admission to being a part of the solution to factory farming is a sure fire way to ensure that we never solve this problem. Far more helpful is to allow everyone to do what they’re willing to do to solve it, regardless of their diet.
I don’t think the animals who would experience drastically less suffering because of your donations care whether you’re being hypocritical in the eyes of some. Those animals, and I, think that you and the world are far better off if you eat meat and donate to help animals than if you just eat meat ❤️
By the way, we’ve made a tool just for people like you, to figure out how much you’d need to donate to do as much good for animals as going vegan (https://www.farmkind.giving/compassion-calculator). If you want to do the same amount of net good as doing vegan, you can offset your meat consumption twofold
Very happy to talk this topic through with you some more if you’re interested as I’d hate to lose you as animal donor for this reason
Hey Christoph, I think it would be a real shame if you let not helping some amount of animals through diet change stop you from helping any animals at all—especially when you can actually help far more animals though donating than you can through diet change. Making being vegan the price of admission to being a part of the solution to factory farming is a sure fire way to ensure that we never solve this problem. Far more helpful is to allow everyone to do what they’re willing to do to solve it, regardless of their diet.
I don’t think the animals who would experience drastically less suffering because of your donations care whether you’re being hypocritical in the eyes of some. Those animals, and I, think that you and the world are far better off if you eat meat and donate to help animals than if you just eat meat ❤️
By the way, we’ve made a tool just for people like you, to figure out how much you’d need to donate to do as much good for animals as going vegan (https://www.farmkind.giving/compassion-calculator). If you want to do the same amount of net good as doing vegan, you can offset your meat consumption twofold
Very happy to talk this topic through with you some more if you’re interested as I’d hate to lose you as animal donor for this reason