My notes on what I liked about the post, from the announcement:
As more EA energy goes into policy change, the community will benefit from having good heuristics about making change happen. I appreciate the author’s focus on this important goal, as well as:
Their use of bold text to call attention to important points.
Their realistic approach to risk management, and their acknowledgement that risk can’t be entirely removed from political advocacy. (I sometimes see ideas being pushed against because they are “risky”, without much consideration for how those risks might be reduced, or how they actually impact the idea’s expected value.)
Their willingness to call out specific ideas as being risky, and to explain the risks (rather than inventing a sample idea that doesn’t necessarily have actual supporters in the community, which is the approach I might have taken — and which I think wouldn’t have worked as well)
This post was awarded an EA Forum Prize; see the prize announcement for more details.
My notes on what I liked about the post, from the announcement: