Aaron Gertler

Karma: 19,085

I ran the Forum for three years. I’m no longer an active moderator, but I still provide advice to the team in some cases.

I’m a Communications Officer at Open Philanthropy. Before that, I worked at CEA, on the Forum and other projects. I also started Yale’s student EA group, and I spend a few hours a month advising a small, un-Googleable private foundation that makes EA-adjacent donations.

Outside of EA, I play Magic: the Gathering on a semi-professional level and donate half my winnings (more than $50k in 2020) to charity.

Before my first job in EA, I was a tutor, a freelance writer, a tech support agent, and a music journalist. I blog, and keep a public list of my donations, at

On John Wool­man (Thing of Things)

Aaron Gertler2 May 2024 1:36 UTC
46 points
4 comments1 min readEA link

How to Speedrun a New Drug Ap­pli­ca­tion (In­ter­view with Alvea’s former CEO)

Aaron Gertler3 Mar 2024 0:53 UTC
37 points
1 comment2 min readEA link

So­cial sci­ence re­search we’d like to see on global health and wellbe­ing [Open Philan­thropy]

Aaron Gertler15 Feb 2024 0:28 UTC
167 points
8 comments17 min readEA link