I don’t have an easily-summarizable worldview that ties together the different parts of my life. In my career, effective altruism (something like “Try to do as much good as possible, and think deeply about what that means and be open to counterintuitive answers”) is definitely dominant. In my personal life, I try to be “agenty” about getting what I want, and to be open to trying unusually hard or being “weird” when that’s what works for me and makes me happy. I think these are both evolving a lot in the specifics.
To the extent that you have “a worldview” (in scare quotes), what is a short summary of that worldview?
I don’t have an easily-summarizable worldview that ties together the different parts of my life. In my career, effective altruism (something like “Try to do as much good as possible, and think deeply about what that means and be open to counterintuitive answers”) is definitely dominant. In my personal life, I try to be “agenty” about getting what I want, and to be open to trying unusually hard or being “weird” when that’s what works for me and makes me happy. I think these are both evolving a lot in the specifics.