LGBTQ+ EA Meetup

There will be the next LGBTQ+ EA Berlin Meetup on 27 June starting at 19:00. All LGBTQ+ identifying EAs and allies are welcome. This will be a casual space to chat, share experiences, and re/​connect with queer culture in an open environment.

Here’s what we’ll be doing:

  • 19:00 Arrivals

  • 19:10 Welcome and introductions

  • 19:30 Open discussion/​hang out

  • 21:30 End

We’ll start gathering at 7 pm, but feel free to join at any time and stay for as long as you like.

Please note that this will be a safe and welcoming environment and attendees are requested to respect each other’s boundaries and confidentiality.

Location: The Chaos Computer Club Berlin can comfortably fit about 20 people. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect.

Directions (German): https://​​​​page/​​anfahrt[2]

Please contact __nobody if you have any questions about the location.