Based on my own experience, I would expect both Western and non-Western EAs to experience similar events near-constantly, both within EA and without. So it seems it seems like a core crux is whether they occur more frequently or severely in either group / when different groups interact / in some particular setting rather than another.
Thanks for the comment! Not sure if you’ve seen this, but there’s weak evidence that poor CCIs occur less frequently in EA settings than non-Ea settings.
When asked to compared CCIs between EA settings and non-EA settings,
7 out of 14 thought CCIs in EA settings are about the same when compared to non-EA settings.
5 out of 14 thought CCIs in EA settings are better for them.
2 out of 14 thought CCIs in EA Settings are worse for them.
Thanks for the comment! Not sure if you’ve seen this, but there’s weak evidence that poor CCIs occur less frequently in EA settings than non-Ea settings.