Thanks Michelle, really useful feedback. Will update calculations and expected returns accordingly as soon as I get the chance.
If you are significantly more effective than I suggested above then that has two effects on the above: it would increase the expected effectiveness of this project, but decrease the chance that this project is worth funding when compared to GWWC etc.
My estimate for GWWC came from the 2015 Prospectus[1] For example the sentence “This equates to $67,000 per member, and suggests that our leverage ratio is around 60:1 – that is, for every $1 spent by Giving What We Can, around $60 will be donated to top charities.” This suggests you spent so far $67,000 * (1/60) = $1117 per member = £770. (I did perhaps confuse £ and $). Very happy to discuss. Will drop you an email.
Ah, thanks, good to know where it came from. That doc is actually outdated (it uses data up to the end of 2013 only), the more recent figure is 104:1, which gives you something more like £460 per member. You can always find our most up to date impact evaluation of ourselves at Our cost per member seems to have been dropping over time. This is one of the key numbers we track in our yearly reviews, all of which you can find on this page.
FYI: I have updated the estimated returns and relevant data above. Happy to chat further if you think it would be helpful for improving the figures here.
Thanks Michelle, really useful feedback. Will update calculations and expected returns accordingly as soon as I get the chance.
If you are significantly more effective than I suggested above then that has two effects on the above: it would increase the expected effectiveness of this project, but decrease the chance that this project is worth funding when compared to GWWC etc.
My estimate for GWWC came from the 2015 Prospectus[1] For example the sentence “This equates to $67,000 per member, and suggests that our leverage ratio is around 60:1 – that is, for every $1 spent by Giving What We Can, around $60 will be donated to top charities.” This suggests you spent so far $67,000 * (1/60) = $1117 per member = £770. (I did perhaps confuse £ and $). Very happy to discuss. Will drop you an email.
Ah, thanks, good to know where it came from. That doc is actually outdated (it uses data up to the end of 2013 only), the more recent figure is 104:1, which gives you something more like £460 per member. You can always find our most up to date impact evaluation of ourselves at Our cost per member seems to have been dropping over time. This is one of the key numbers we track in our yearly reviews, all of which you can find on this page.
FYI: I have updated the estimated returns and relevant data above. Happy to chat further if you think it would be helpful for improving the figures here.