I wonder if this is mostly an effect of total effective giving growing less than GiveWell anticipated, or if more money is going to other effective giving opportunities.
Some evidence for the latter would be that in Europe different effective giving initiatives are growing (for example effektiv-spenden in Germany raised 13 million in 2022, and 19 million in 2023, doneer-effectief in the Netherlands raised 700.000 in 2022, and 2.5 million in 2023, I don’t know if there is a similar trend in other EU-countries). I sense that within EA there is some shift in focus to causes such as animal wellbeing. Anecdotally I shifted my giving away from GiveWell towards the Doneer-Effectief animal wellbeing fund.
However, these trends are not totally unexpected and in size might only explain a fraction of the 75 million difference between the median estimate and actual data of non-open philanthropy funding. Does anybody have a good sense of how effective giving as a whole changed between 2022 and 2023?
How much of the money raised by effectiv-spenden, etc. is a essentially pass through to Givewell? (I know Israel now has a similar initiative, but is in large part passing the money to the same orgs.)
I wonder if this is mostly an effect of total effective giving growing less than GiveWell anticipated, or if more money is going to other effective giving opportunities.
Some evidence for the latter would be that in Europe different effective giving initiatives are growing (for example effektiv-spenden in Germany raised 13 million in 2022, and 19 million in 2023, doneer-effectief in the Netherlands raised 700.000 in 2022, and 2.5 million in 2023, I don’t know if there is a similar trend in other EU-countries). I sense that within EA there is some shift in focus to causes such as animal wellbeing. Anecdotally I shifted my giving away from GiveWell towards the Doneer-Effectief animal wellbeing fund.
However, these trends are not totally unexpected and in size might only explain a fraction of the 75 million difference between the median estimate and actual data of non-open philanthropy funding. Does anybody have a good sense of how effective giving as a whole changed between 2022 and 2023?
How much of the money raised by effectiv-spenden, etc. is a essentially pass through to Givewell? (I know Israel now has a similar initiative, but is in large part passing the money to the same orgs.)
Donations to Norway’s Gi Effektivt and Sweden’s Ge Effektivt also simply pass through to GiveWell (for the global health part of Ge Effektivt).
@Luke Moore 🔸 could probably be helpful with some overview for 2022-2023, while I expect 2024 numbers will take a few months before presenting.