The point of credentialism is that the ideal circumstances for an individual to evaluate ideas don’t exist very often. Medical practitioners aren’t always right, and homeopaths or opinion bloggers aren’t always wrong, but bearing in mind that I’m seldom well enough versed in the background literature to make my own mind up, trusting the person with the solid credentials over the person with zero or quack credentials is likely to be the best heuristic in the absence of any solid information to the contrary
And yes, of course sometimes it isn’t, and sometimes the bar is completely arbitrary (the successful applicant will have some sort of degree from some sort of top 20 university) or the level of distinction irrelevant (his alma mater is more reputable than hers) and sometimes the credentials themselves are suspect
The point of credentialism is that the ideal circumstances for an individual to evaluate ideas don’t exist very often. Medical practitioners aren’t always right, and homeopaths or opinion bloggers aren’t always wrong, but bearing in mind that I’m seldom well enough versed in the background literature to make my own mind up, trusting the person with the solid credentials over the person with zero or quack credentials is likely to be the best heuristic in the absence of any solid information to the contrary
And yes, of course sometimes it isn’t, and sometimes the bar is completely arbitrary (the successful applicant will have some sort of degree from some sort of top 20 university) or the level of distinction irrelevant (his alma mater is more reputable than hers) and sometimes the credentials themselves are suspect