I initially found myself nodding along with this post, but I then realised I didn’t really understand what point you were trying to make. Here are some things I think you argue for:
theoretically, EA could be either big tent or small tent
to the extent there is a meaningful distinction, it seems better in general for EA to aim to be big tent
Now is a particularly important time to aim for EA to be big tent
Here are some things that we could do help make EA more big tent.
Am I right in thinking these are the core arguments?
A more important concern of mine with this post is that I don’t really see any evidence or arguments presented for any of these four things. I think your writing style is nice, but I’m not sure why (apart from something to do with social norms or deference) community builders should update their views in the directions you’re advocating for?
I initially found myself nodding along with this post, but I then realised I didn’t really understand what point you were trying to make. Here are some things I think you argue for:
theoretically, EA could be either big tent or small tent
to the extent there is a meaningful distinction, it seems better in general for EA to aim to be big tent
Now is a particularly important time to aim for EA to be big tent
Here are some things that we could do help make EA more big tent.
Am I right in thinking these are the core arguments?
A more important concern of mine with this post is that I don’t really see any evidence or arguments presented for any of these four things. I think your writing style is nice, but I’m not sure why (apart from something to do with social norms or deference) community builders should update their views in the directions you’re advocating for?