
Karma: 2,817

Jamie is a Program Associate at Polaris Ventures, doing grantmaking to support projects and people aiming to build a future guided by wisdom and compassion for all. Polaris’ focus areas include AI governance, digital sentience, plus reducing risks from fanatical ideologies and malevolent actors.

He also spend a few hours a week as a Fund Manager at the Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund, which aims to increase the impact of projects that use the principles of effective altruism, by increasing their access to talent, capital, and knowledge.

Lastly, Jamie is President of Leaf, an independent nonprofit that supports exceptional teenagers to explore how they can best save lives, help others, or change the course of history. (Most of the hard work is being done by the wonderful Jonah Boucher though!)

Jamie previously worked as a teacher, as a researcher at the think tank Sentience Institute, and as co-founder and researcher at Animal Advocacy Careers, which helps people to maximise their positive impact for animals.

Ideas EAIF is ex­cited to re­ceive ap­pli­ca­tions for

Jamie_Harris11 Dec 2024 11:51 UTC
92 points
25 comments5 min readEA link