Maybe intro EA videos like these would be a good starting point?
Another option could be to just give him a basic pitch for EA and then try to answer his questions:
You want to help others, and you could motivate this with the drowning child thought experiment, like Yelnats suggested, say.
You want to help more people and help others more than less, possibly motivated by excitement or responsibility (e.g. all the extra people you’d let down) or the trolley problem with no default option.
You think some ways help others much more than most ways people help, and give some examples.
Maybe intro EA videos like these would be a good starting point?
Another option could be to just give him a basic pitch for EA and then try to answer his questions:
You want to help others, and you could motivate this with the drowning child thought experiment, like Yelnats suggested, say.
You want to help more people and help others more than less, possibly motivated by excitement or responsibility (e.g. all the extra people you’d let down) or the trolley problem with no default option.
You think some ways help others much more than most ways people help, and give some examples.
If he likes big ideas content, he might also enjoy this longtermism video from Kurzgesagt and rational animations videos in general (which cover various aspects of EA).
Thank you so much for these resources, they are a big help!