Protests are usually done by those in dire need of change: minorities, poor people, people whose identity is attacked, etc. AI risks are overwhelmingly highlighted by rich white male engineers: not those who usually have a reason to go out in the streets. And as Geoffrey says, who despise those who do—it’s easier to mock those who struggle when you don’t, assuming that they make unnecessary noise because you don’t feel at all part of their fight.
And now EAs realize that profit is taking over safety concerns—it took a lot of time! It was painful to read Altman’s praising until the board shuffling at OpenAI. It’s been years that people protest because greed and unequal distribution of money make their own lives poorer and harder; but now greed causes survival risks that also extend to rich engineers, so they have to do something.
Protests are usually done by those in dire need of change: minorities, poor people, people whose identity is attacked, etc.
I think this is not true. Even the 2020 BLM protests, which skewed unusually non-white, were almost 50% non-hispanic white according to Pew, the first result I found when googling the question. This matches my impression that protests actually tend to be dominated by relatively well educated white people, which makes sense, because these groups dominate most forms of political activity.
In general EAs share a lot of demographic factors with typical (US) protestors:
Highly Educated
Democrat / Left Wing
They diverge in some others, for example EAs being concentrated in STEM graduates over other less mathematical degrees.
minor edit: some ambiguity in how Pew is handling missing data, doesn’t affect the bottom line, added second section.
Well you said it: STEM is what makes the very big difference here. A ‘leftwing’ STEM will not have the same priorities at all than a social science student, so this leftwing label is very misleading, no matter how much people like to use it here to claim that EA is leftist.
A STEM student will have much more contempt towards protests, and what you conveniently forget to say is that STEM students are in general earning much more and come from much more privileged backgrounds. It’s all about resources and how they are distributed, and so these students are in much less need to go out in the streets. So it’s easier to look down on protests and think that these protests are just noisy and useless.
So my answer still stands and explains why EA is not protest-friendly.
Protests are usually done by those in dire need of change: minorities, poor people, people whose identity is attacked, etc. AI risks are overwhelmingly highlighted by rich white male engineers: not those who usually have a reason to go out in the streets. And as Geoffrey says, who despise those who do—it’s easier to mock those who struggle when you don’t, assuming that they make unnecessary noise because you don’t feel at all part of their fight.
And now EAs realize that profit is taking over safety concerns—it took a lot of time! It was painful to read Altman’s praising until the board shuffling at OpenAI. It’s been years that people protest because greed and unequal distribution of money make their own lives poorer and harder; but now greed causes survival risks that also extend to rich engineers, so they have to do something.
I think this is not true. Even the 2020 BLM protests, which skewed unusually non-white, were almost 50% non-hispanic white according to Pew, the first result I found when googling the question. This matches my impression that protests actually tend to be dominated by relatively well educated white people, which makes sense, because these groups dominate most forms of political activity.
In general EAs share a lot of demographic factors with typical (US) protestors:
Highly Educated
Democrat / Left Wing
They diverge in some others, for example EAs being concentrated in STEM graduates over other less mathematical degrees.
minor edit: some ambiguity in how Pew is handling missing data, doesn’t affect the bottom line, added second section.
Well you said it: STEM is what makes the very big difference here. A ‘leftwing’ STEM will not have the same priorities at all than a social science student, so this leftwing label is very misleading, no matter how much people like to use it here to claim that EA is leftist.
A STEM student will have much more contempt towards protests, and what you conveniently forget to say is that STEM students are in general earning much more and come from much more privileged backgrounds. It’s all about resources and how they are distributed, and so these students are in much less need to go out in the streets. So it’s easier to look down on protests and think that these protests are just noisy and useless.
So my answer still stands and explains why EA is not protest-friendly.