>I’m not sure if the bolthole idea is referring to an escape for EAs in particular or relocating as many people as possible in general,
Perhaps “bolthole” is not quite the term I’m looking for, at least in the sense of primarily being about relocating individuals. Rather, I’m using it as a catch-all term for all “post-apocalyptic” preparations. A seed bank and/or data bank located in New Zealand would be good examples.
>I’m not sure if the bolthole idea is referring to an escape for EAs in particular or relocating as many people as possible in general,
Perhaps “bolthole” is not quite the term I’m looking for, at least in the sense of primarily being about relocating individuals. Rather, I’m using it as a catch-all term for all “post-apocalyptic” preparations. A seed bank and/or data bank located in New Zealand would be good examples.