The EA Behavioral Science Newsletter #10 (September 2023)

We just released the September 2023 (#10) edition of the Effective Altruism Behavioral Science Newsletter

We have two announcements:
- A request for feedback
- Timothy Caballero’s first message after taking over as project manager.

Subscribe to receive future editions of the newsletter here.

You can read the newsletter in your browser or below. Previous editions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

The EA Behavioral Science Newsletter

September 2023 (#10)

⭐ Announcements
  • We shortened and restructured the newsletter in response to feedback. Please do this short survey to offer further input!

  • Greetings everyone, Tim here. I wanted to thank everyone who has provided feedback since the last newsletter. As this is my first crack at managing this newsletter, please do click the survey above and let me know what you think about this edition. I want to give my best to you all. Cheers!

📖 Peer-reviewed publications
📝 Preprints & articles
💬 Forum posts
🎧/​🎦 Podcasts & videos
💰 Funding

Ongoing funding opportunities

💼 Jobs & volunteering

New opportunities:

Ongoing opportunities:

📅 Events

New events:

  • Fauna Connections (September 14, 2023 from 12:00pm to 5:30pm EST). Academics and scientists from the social and behavioral sciences and related disciplines will present original research that discusses the real-life implications and recommendations for animal advocates.

Ongoing events:

🏡 Join our community


Timothy Caballero, Peter Slattery & Habit Weekly


Previous editions:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

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