Thanks for the kind words, David. And apologies—I’d forgotten you’d published those explicit estimates. I’ll edit them in to the OP.
My memory of WWOtF is that Will talks about the process, but other than giving a quick estimate of ’90% chance we recover without coal, 95% chance with’ he doesn’t do as much quantifying as you and Luisa.
Also Lewis Dartnell talked about the process extensively in The Knowledge, but I don’t think he gives any estimate at all about probabilities (the closest I could find was in an essay for Aeon where he opined that ‘an industrial revolution without coal would be, at a minimum, very difficult’).
Thanks for the kind words, David. And apologies—I’d forgotten you’d published those explicit estimates. I’ll edit them in to the OP.
My memory of WWOtF is that Will talks about the process, but other than giving a quick estimate of ’90% chance we recover without coal, 95% chance with’ he doesn’t do as much quantifying as you and Luisa.
Also Lewis Dartnell talked about the process extensively in The Knowledge, but I don’t think he gives any estimate at all about probabilities (the closest I could find was in an essay for Aeon where he opined that ‘an industrial revolution without coal would be, at a minimum, very difficult’).