Quick thought: Monzo pots function similar to the envelope thing you mentioned—https://monzo.com/pots. When your salary comes in, you could use the salary sorter ( https://monzo.com/salary-sorter/ , split it in the app across bills, savings, spending, subscriptions, donations etc. If the next month there’s consistently lots left in eg. the bills or spending pot that hasn’t been used, that might be a sign to consider changing the proportions. The categories might also be useful for tracking spending—if you’re not on the free version then you can edit them and add new ones. There might be downsides to switching bank accounts though/ other reasons this isn’t a good solution!
+1, I do all my budgeting in Monzo and I find it to be really good. In addition to these features I find the budgeting by category very useful, and the fact that it doesn’t require copying the data out to somewhere else makes it much easier to stick to.
Quick thought: Monzo pots function similar to the envelope thing you mentioned—https://monzo.com/pots. When your salary comes in, you could use the salary sorter ( https://monzo.com/salary-sorter/ , split it in the app across bills, savings, spending, subscriptions, donations etc. If the next month there’s consistently lots left in eg. the bills or spending pot that hasn’t been used, that might be a sign to consider changing the proportions. The categories might also be useful for tracking spending—if you’re not on the free version then you can edit them and add new ones. There might be downsides to switching bank accounts though/ other reasons this isn’t a good solution!
+1, I do all my budgeting in Monzo and I find it to be really good. In addition to these features I find the budgeting by category very useful, and the fact that it doesn’t require copying the data out to somewhere else makes it much easier to stick to.