Is it possible to use Banzhaf values for generic attribution questions outside of voting? If so, can you link to some posts/papers that describe how to use it in such cases. The first set of things that came up are all voting-related.
Unless I’m very confused, yes. Unfortunately, it does seem that almost all of the discussion of it is pretty theoretical and about various axiomatic characterizations. Here’s an interesting application paper I found though: The Shapley and Banzhaf values in microarray games. They have a short description of their use of the Banzhaf value (equation 2)---not sure how helpful it is.
Is it possible to use Banzhaf values for generic attribution questions outside of voting? If so, can you link to some posts/papers that describe how to use it in such cases. The first set of things that came up are all voting-related.
Unless I’m very confused, yes. Unfortunately, it does seem that almost all of the discussion of it is pretty theoretical and about various axiomatic characterizations. Here’s an interesting application paper I found though: The Shapley and Banzhaf values in microarray games. They have a short description of their use of the Banzhaf value (equation 2)---not sure how helpful it is.