Help me find answers for the missing parts in modern education.

A thought that has been bothering me for quite some time…. It goes like this, Why was I not taught resilience, gratitude, restrain, self-awareness (mindfulness) in school. After all, doing life needs these skills way more than calculus (which I was taught plenty)

This bothersome thought made me do a deep dive into history of education in ancient India (that’s where i grew up). It was surprising to learn that mindfulness was an essential part of education 1000 years back. The goal of education was to produce individuals who contribute to the good of society. And mindfulness was considered an essential skill to do that.

There are many theories that go into what happened in last 1000 years? Industrialization holds the most promising answer for this radical change.

I am currently searching for the answers of following questions:

  • What’s the goal of modern education? if you are a teacher, professor, policy maker or someone who contributes to modern education I would love to talk to you.

  • What’s a hope of a parent from modern education? if you are a parent, care giver or someone who has thoughts on this I would love to talk to you.

  • Are other people also thinking about this? Are they doing something about it? If you are working to make modern education better in any capacity or just want to discuss this more I would love to talk to you.

Please leave your thoughts or comments & I will follow up.