Or do you think that Elicit will not speed up AGI capabilities research in a meaningful way? (Maybe because it will count as misuse)
It’s something I’m really uncertain about personally, that’s going to heavily influence my decisions/​life, so I’m really curious about your thoughts!
What are your views on whether speeding up technological development is, in general, a good thing?
I’m thinking of arguments like https://​​forum.effectivealtruism.org/​​posts/​​gB2ad4jYANYirYyzh/​​a-note-about-differential-technological-development, that make me wonder if we should try to slow research instead of speeding it up.
Or do you think that Elicit will not speed up AGI capabilities research in a meaningful way? (Maybe because it will count as misuse)
It’s something I’m really uncertain about personally, that’s going to heavily influence my decisions/​life, so I’m really curious about your thoughts!