My impression is that of EA resources focused on catastrophic risk, 60%+ are now focused on AI safety, or issues downstream of AI (e.g. even the biorisk people are pretty focused on the AI/Bio intersection).
AI has also seem dramatic changes to the landscape / situation in the last ~2 years, and my update was focused on how things have changed recently.
So for both reasons most of the updates that seemed salient to me concerned AI in some way.
That said, I’m especially interested in AI myself, so I focused more on questions there. It would be ideal to hear from more bio people.
I also briefly mention nuclear security, where I think the main update is the point about lack of funding.
I think there is more value in separating out AI vs bio vs nuclear vs meta GCR than having posts/events marketed as GCR but be mainly on one topic. Both from the perspective of the minor causes and the main cause which would get more relevant attention.
Also the strategy/marketing of those causes will often be different and so it doesn’t make as much sense to lump them together unless it is about GCR prioritisation or cross cause support.
My impression is that of EA resources focused on catastrophic risk, 60%+ are now focused on AI safety, or issues downstream of AI (e.g. even the biorisk people are pretty focused on the AI/Bio intersection).
AI has also seem dramatic changes to the landscape / situation in the last ~2 years, and my update was focused on how things have changed recently.
So for both reasons most of the updates that seemed salient to me concerned AI in some way.
That said, I’m especially interested in AI myself, so I focused more on questions there. It would be ideal to hear from more bio people.
I also briefly mention nuclear security, where I think the main update is the point about lack of funding.
I think there is more value in separating out AI vs bio vs nuclear vs meta GCR than having posts/events marketed as GCR but be mainly on one topic. Both from the perspective of the minor causes and the main cause which would get more relevant attention.
Also the strategy/marketing of those causes will often be different and so it doesn’t make as much sense to lump them together unless it is about GCR prioritisation or cross cause support.