I don’t think mathematics should be a crux. As I say below, it could be generalised to being offered to anyone a panel of top people in AGI Safety would have on their dream team (who otherwise would be unlikely to work on the problem). Or perhaps “Fields Medalists, Nobel Prize winners in Physics, other equivalent prize recipients in Computer Science, or Philosophy[?], or Economics[?]”. And we could include additional criteria, such as being able to intuit what is being alluded to here. Basically, the idea is to headhunt the very best people for the job, using extreme financial incentives. We don’t need to artificially narrow our search to one domain, but maths ability is a good heuristic as a starting point.
I don’t think mathematics should be a crux. As I say below, it could be generalised to being offered to anyone a panel of top people in AGI Safety would have on their dream team (who otherwise would be unlikely to work on the problem). Or perhaps “Fields Medalists, Nobel Prize winners in Physics, other equivalent prize recipients in Computer Science, or Philosophy[?], or Economics[?]”. And we could include additional criteria, such as being able to intuit what is being alluded to here. Basically, the idea is to headhunt the very best people for the job, using extreme financial incentives. We don’t need to artificially narrow our search to one domain, but maths ability is a good heuristic as a starting point.