You seem fairly confident that we are at “the precipice”, or “a uniquely important time in our story”. This seems very plausible to me. But how long of a period are you imagining for the precipice?
The claim is much stronger if you mean something like a century than something like a few millennia. But even if the “hingey” period is a few millennia, then I imagine that us being somewhere in it could still be quite an important fact.
(This might be answered past chapter 1 of the book.)
You seem fairly confident that we are at “the precipice”, or “a uniquely important time in our story”. This seems very plausible to me. But how long of a period are you imagining for the precipice?
The claim is much stronger if you mean something like a century than something like a few millennia. But even if the “hingey” period is a few millennia, then I imagine that us being somewhere in it could still be quite an important fact.
(This might be answered past chapter 1 of the book.)