On the right is a factorisation that I think makes the quantity easier to interpret and measure. But it is only justifiable if the terms I’ve added cancel out, so I’m going to present the case for why I think it is.
I’m not claiming that my original was the easiest to follow, but the point that needs justifying is not that the terms cancel (that’s mathematically trivial), but that the decomposition is actually an improvement in terms of ease of understanding or ease of estimation, relative to the term on the left of the equation.
“On the right is a factorisation which is mathematically trivial and looks like it just makes things more complicated. I’ve taken the expression on the left and added in a load of things which cancel each other out. But I hope I can justify this decomposition by virtue of it being easier to interpret and measure. So I’m going to present the case for why I think it is.”
Do let me know if you’d prefer something different to that :)
Thanks! This largely seems rather better.
One paragraph where you’ve lost the meaning is:
I’m not claiming that my original was the easiest to follow, but the point that needs justifying is not that the terms cancel (that’s mathematically trivial), but that the decomposition is actually an improvement in terms of ease of understanding or ease of estimation, relative to the term on the left of the equation.
Thanks! I’ll change that :)
I’ve now changed that section to:
“On the right is a factorisation which is mathematically trivial and looks like it just makes things more complicated. I’ve taken the expression on the left and added in a load of things which cancel each other out. But I hope I can justify this decomposition by virtue of it being easier to interpret and measure. So I’m going to present the case for why I think it is.”
Do let me know if you’d prefer something different to that :)