Resource scarcity has been discussed on this forum before; see here and here. Generally slow changes are much less damaging that abrupt ones. A UK government report found that there is a ~80% chance this century of an abrupt loss of 10% of food production due to flood/​droughts on multiple continents. And there are many other possible causes of an abrupt 10% loss in food production, including regional nuclear war (e.g. between India and Pakistan), volcanic eruption like the one that caused the year without a summer in 1816, abrupt regional climate change, etc. ALLFED is one of the few organizations working on these issues, while general resource scarcity and slow climate change have received many billion dollars worth of funding.
Resource scarcity has been discussed on this forum before; see here and here. Generally slow changes are much less damaging that abrupt ones. A UK government report found that there is a ~80% chance this century of an abrupt loss of 10% of food production due to flood/​droughts on multiple continents. And there are many other possible causes of an abrupt 10% loss in food production, including regional nuclear war (e.g. between India and Pakistan), volcanic eruption like the one that caused the year without a summer in 1816, abrupt regional climate change, etc. ALLFED is one of the few organizations working on these issues, while general resource scarcity and slow climate change have received many billion dollars worth of funding.