(I need to summarize the ROT, to respond) The issue here is with political issues around the “genetic modifications” category I listed. I agree these are substantial issues for this category, but don’t think these issues should bleed into the other areas.
Strong “wisdom and intelligence prioritization” work would hopefully inform us on the viability here. I assume the easy position, for many reasons, is just “stay totally away from genetic modifications, and focus instead on the other categories.” It would probably take a very high bar and a lot of new efforts (for example, finding ways to get some of the advantages without the disadvantages) to feel secure enough to approach it.
I’m fairly confident that the majority of the other intervention areas I listed would be dramatically less controversial.
(I need to summarize the ROT, to respond)
The issue here is with political issues around the “genetic modifications” category I listed.
I agree these are substantial issues for this category, but don’t think these issues should bleed into the other areas.
Strong “wisdom and intelligence prioritization” work would hopefully inform us on the viability here. I assume the easy position, for many reasons, is just “stay totally away from genetic modifications, and focus instead on the other categories.” It would probably take a very high bar and a lot of new efforts (for example, finding ways to get some of the advantages without the disadvantages) to feel secure enough to approach it.
I’m fairly confident that the majority of the other intervention areas I listed would be dramatically less controversial.