Introducing Luke Freeman as head of Giving What We Can

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This is the text of an announcement sent out to all Giving What We Can members and people doing Try Giving.

Earlier this year, CEA began the process of searching for new leadership for Giving What We Can in order to add capacity and focus. I’m so pleased to say that Luke Freeman is coming on to lead Giving What We Can!

I’ve been honored to lead Giving What We Can since 2017, but I knew it deserved more time and attention than I could give it, even with help from others at CEA. I’m really glad to be able to pass GWWC into Luke’s capable hands, and excited to see how it will grow and develop. In particular, Luke will be working on transitioning GWWC back to operating more independently of CEA, while continuing to receive operational and financial support from CEA. I’ll be continuing my work on community health at CEA.

The first time I remember meeting Luke was when I was leading a workshop on “Making EA groups more welcoming” at EA Global. Most people were there to learn and absorb, but Luke stood out because he was sharing ideas based on what his home group (EA Sydney) was doing to better welcome new members. As I’ve seen him work on other projects over the last few years, I’ve seen that’s typical of him. He’s proactive, always looking for ways to improve things, and a deeply kind and friendly person.

Luke comes with a history of leadership for EA Australia and the EAGx Australia conference, as well as a rich work history in startups and digital marketing.

I hope you’ll join me in welcoming him warmly! Now over to Luke.

— Julia

Luke’s announcement

G’day from Sydney, Australia – I’m Luke Freeman, the new Head of Giving What We Can.

I am grateful to Julia, the CEA team, board, volunteers, and members who have all played significant roles in spreading the ideas of giving more, and giving more effectively.

Giving What We Can has been a meaningful part of my life since I took the pledge in 2016 (and engaged with the ideas even earlier), and I’m honoured to dedicate my next chapter to motivate people to give more, and more effectively. Effective giving is a way that many people can have an outsized impact. I also believe that creating a culture of effective giving expands our moral circle and increases the number of people taking tangible actions to effectively improve the world.

A bit about me

I grew up engaged with campaigns such as the 40 Hour Famine and Make Poverty History. In 2011, I discovered the charity evaluator GiveWell, which led me to learn more about effective giving, effective altruism, and Giving What We Can. I’ve spent the last 15 years working in marketing and technology roles (most recently leading Positly, a startup aiming to improve social science), and I have volunteered on projects like EAGxAustralia, Effective Altruism Australia, EA Sydney, and the Global Shapers Community. I once lived on a food budget of less than $2/​day for a month to raise money for effective charities.

Over the coming months

I’ll be meeting with the community, gathering feedback and ideas, and reviewing what’s been done to date. This will help me to put together a plan for growing the pledge and supporting current members.

How you can help

Giving What We Can is a community endeavour. Our success is defined by taking action and being the change we want to see in the world. In that light, here’s how you can help:

I’m so thankful to all of you who have made this community so special, and I look forward to continuing on this journey with you!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing with any questions or suggestions.

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