It’s useful to be able to say “I upvoted because”. What are most well-understood equivalents for tick and crossvoting?
[Question] What are the words for x-voting and tick-voting? I “upvoted” → ?
I can’t believe you are gonna make me say agreevote and disagreevote.
The wisdom of crowds is taking a beating here imo.I am sorry. That is what the LW team calls them, and what our announcements say.
I disagreevote you in spirit.
Can I suggest you change the tooltips.Changing the tooltip does seem good. Will make a small PR.
Can we submit issues to the codebase?
Yep, go ahead. It’s a decent place to suggest features or record bugs.
Where is the repository? I’ve looked and can’t find it.
Nice, though it does imply disagreevote which is not nice.Disagreevote is very nice, it’s what it is.
Then make an option and upvote it :P
This one seems really nice to me. Quick to type.
UnambiguousIf you say you x-voted something, does that mean you voted agreement or disagreement?
Disagree. Seemingly not unabiguous
Ah, whoops, I was just confused by the title of the post and thought you were just thinking of equivalents for “upvoting”. Without that priming, agree that x-voting sounds good and is intuitive.
I like this because it’s shorter to type.
(as in, the equivalent of a “+1” comment)
Kind of unwieldy.
Both this and “crossvote” use specific English terms which I think would be less understandable to non-natives?
E.g. in Hebrew we call those signs X and V (pronounced “eex” and “vee”), so understanding the word “tick” for that takes me longer.
x-vote and v-vote are nicer but I fear that they will not pass the community vote.
I like x-vote but v-vote reads like downvote to me
v-vote, to match Nathan’s x-vote
Agree and disagree.
I do not like these because you can disagree and not have x-voted. Just as you can like something and not have upvoted. Let’s have different words please.