I haven’t had time to read this carefully, but regarding funding, this list of funding opportunities compiled by Michael Aird might be useful. In case you haven’t yet come across these, there are some grants for self-study and independent research in this space, and there are a few grants-based mentorship programs—grants might be easier (in terms of overhead, and also better for the dissemination of your research) than charging readers for downloading a report.
(Oh and since you asked about writing clarity—personally, I usually find a summary at the top really helpful for following a piece of writing.)
I haven’t had time to read this carefully, but regarding funding, this list of funding opportunities compiled by Michael Aird might be useful. In case you haven’t yet come across these, there are some grants for self-study and independent research in this space, and there are a few grants-based mentorship programs—grants might be easier (in terms of overhead, and also better for the dissemination of your research) than charging readers for downloading a report.
(Oh and since you asked about writing clarity—personally, I usually find a summary at the top really helpful for following a piece of writing.)
Added an abstract