(1) I think there’s another great benefit you didn’t mention: Reducing overwhelm and anxiety!
I know enough EAs (including myself) that just feel like devouring a lot of information in order to learn something.
(2) Might want to add: Expected time to learn the “thing”. I think the framework becomes truly valuable once you pass some sort of subjective expected time threshold, e.g. if I need more than 30 min, 1 h etc → Use the framework, for everything under that use other heuristic(s)
(3) Aside from trust level and urgency (maybe) I think this is actually a very useful framework more generally to do career experimentation e.g. one could use this framework for picking an internship or even prioritizing independent projects.
Thank you so much for sharing Yi-Yang :)
(1) I think there’s another great benefit you didn’t mention: Reducing overwhelm and anxiety!
I know enough EAs (including myself) that just feel like devouring a lot of information in order to learn something.
(2) Might want to add: Expected time to learn the “thing”. I think the framework becomes truly valuable once you pass some sort of subjective expected time threshold, e.g. if I need more than 30 min, 1 h etc → Use the framework, for everything under that use other heuristic(s)
(3) Aside from trust level and urgency (maybe) I think this is actually a very useful framework more generally to do career experimentation e.g. one could use this framework for picking an internship or even prioritizing independent projects.
(1), (2) great points!
(3) Possibly, I definitely took some inspiration from 80K’s career planning guide too.