The grant application page reads “The EA Infrastructure Fund and the Long-Term Future Fund are currently unable to make grants with an end date after August 31st 2025, and any applications to these funds must have a grant period which ends on or before this date.”
If a grantee has funds left over at the end of August, is it expected that the balance of the funds would need to be returned at that point? Or some other default behaviour?
I’m thinking of this from the perspective of managing a project that has had several grants made and how much they need to prioritise spending down any LTFF grant.
Can someone from LTFF confirm if this restriction (that the grant period should end on or before Aug 31, 2025) will be set for all applications in this Q1 grant round? (When I first saw the note referenced above around December, I thought it would lift before the Feb 15 deadline, but it seems like it’s not going to be lifted by then?)
We have actually just managed to lift that restriction for the ltff, the application form and website should be updated to reflect this in the next week. This means that no balance will need to be returned after August if the project is still active.
So to be clear, are we able to apply past the end date of August 31 in our initial grant application, or are we capped to August 31 with the ability to extend the grant later? The application form still has the August 31 figure. Thanks!
I’m not from LTFF but I believe you can apply for funding with an end date past Aug 31! The application form now mentions it’s only the EAIF that has that restriction.
The grant application page reads “The EA Infrastructure Fund and the Long-Term Future Fund are currently unable to make grants with an end date after August 31st 2025, and any applications to these funds must have a grant period which ends on or before this date.”
If a grantee has funds left over at the end of August, is it expected that the balance of the funds would need to be returned at that point? Or some other default behaviour?
I’m thinking of this from the perspective of managing a project that has had several grants made and how much they need to prioritise spending down any LTFF grant.
@calebp @Linch
Can someone from LTFF confirm if this restriction (that the grant period should end on or before Aug 31, 2025) will be set for all applications in this Q1 grant round? (When I first saw the note referenced above around December, I thought it would lift before the Feb 15 deadline, but it seems like it’s not going to be lifted by then?)
I also have the same question as Pip above!
We have actually just managed to lift that restriction for the ltff, the application form and website should be updated to reflect this in the next week. This means that no balance will need to be returned after August if the project is still active.
What caused the restriction?
I’m noticing I’m confused. I have no hypothesis for what could case that sort of restriction.
So to be clear, are we able to apply past the end date of August 31 in our initial grant application, or are we capped to August 31 with the ability to extend the grant later? The application form still has the August 31 figure. Thanks!
I’m not from LTFF but I believe you can apply for funding with an end date past Aug 31! The application form now mentions it’s only the EAIF that has that restriction.
Awesome, thanks for the update :-)