I also wrote a commentary which was downvoted without comments. Later it turned out that the reason was that many people didn’t like my title, which was negative on AI and, I admit, a little flamboyant. I changed the title and some people withdrew their downvotes.
This makes the voting system rather dubious in my opinion.
“The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information” is one of the classic papers of Cognitive Psychology. Is it clickbait? What about
The Mind Doesn’t Work That Way: The Scope and Limits of Computational Psychology.
Fodor’s Guide to Mental Representation: The Intelligent Auntie’s Vade-Mecum.
I also wrote a commentary which was downvoted without comments. Later it turned out that the reason was that many people didn’t like my title, which was negative on AI and, I admit, a little flamboyant. I changed the title and some people withdrew their downvotes.
This makes the voting system rather dubious in my opinion.
I disagree, primarily because I think clickbait is actually a big problem, because attention matters.
So the voting system punishes clickbaity titles, which is exactly a good use of the voting system.
“The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information” is one of the classic papers of Cognitive Psychology. Is it clickbait?
What about
The Mind Doesn’t Work That Way: The Scope and Limits of Computational Psychology.
Fodor’s Guide to Mental Representation: The Intelligent Auntie’s Vade-Mecum.
What Darwin Got Wrong.
Tom swift and his procedural grandmother.
Clever titles aren’t always clickbait.