Ah. In that case, if you’d like the bounty, I think I’d need a little longer explantory write-up whcoh takes into account the carbon cost challenges, and answers some of the questions.. As the above only seems to take into account productivity time while travelling, and not the carbon cost challenge. Also, I’d have to change for the train etc. so I am not sure I’d have any productivity gains, I’m mostly interested in the emissions cost.
Ah. In that case, if you’d like the bounty, I think I’d need a little longer explantory write-up whcoh takes into account the carbon cost challenges, and answers some of the questions.. As the above only seems to take into account productivity time while travelling, and not the carbon cost challenge. Also, I’d have to change for the train etc. so I am not sure I’d have any productivity gains, I’m mostly interested in the emissions cost.