I have weak-downvoted your post. Don’t feel discouraged by this, and I want to give richer feedback to adapt to. I think your post would be improved by explaining some reasons why you are asking about meditation practice here and not on other more meditation-focused fora such as /r/meditation, /r/streamentry and the Dharma Overground, or even on LessWrong (which I think has a somewhat broader scope than the EA forum). It would also benefit from some tie-in to Effective Altruism.
Hi CSanders703! Welcome to the forum :-)
I have weak-downvoted your post. Don’t feel discouraged by this, and I want to give richer feedback to adapt to. I think your post would be improved by explaining some reasons why you are asking about meditation practice here and not on other more meditation-focused fora such as /r/meditation, /r/streamentry and the Dharma Overground, or even on LessWrong (which I think has a somewhat broader scope than the EA forum). It would also benefit from some tie-in to Effective Altruism.