It seems relevant in the same way that the 80,000 Hours replicability quiz is relevant.
Big parts of our institutional knowledge-generating machinery are broken. Knowing which parts & to what extent seems important for cause prioritization and epistemic hygiene.
Also see Open Phil’s science policy & infrastructure cause portfolio.
Also—shameless self-promotion—see Let’s Fund’s Better Science crowdfunding campaign that tries to tackle the replication crisis and make science better.
It seems relevant in the same way that the 80,000 Hours replicability quiz is relevant.
Big parts of our institutional knowledge-generating machinery are broken. Knowing which parts & to what extent seems important for cause prioritization and epistemic hygiene.
Also see Open Phil’s science policy & infrastructure cause portfolio.
Also—shameless self-promotion—see Let’s Fund’s Better Science crowdfunding campaign that tries to tackle the replication crisis and make science better.