Metaculus Forecast Fridays: May 5th — Peter Wildeford on Biden’s 3rd Veto

Are you interested in how top forecasters predict the future? Curious how other people are reacting to the forecasts in the main feed?

Join us May 5th at 12pm ET/​GMT-4 for Forecast Friday!

Click here to go to the EA Gather Town. Then take the Metaculus portal.

This Friday: Peter Wildeford on Biden’s 3rd Veto

This week we’re excited to host Metaculus Pro Forecaster & co-founder of research think tank Rethink Priorities Peter Wildeford. He will lead discussion and forecasting on the question:

When Will Joe Biden Issue His Third Veto?

We’ll see you there!

Add Forecast Fridays to your Google Calendar:

—or click here for other formats.

Forecast Friday events feature three concurrent rooms:

  • Forensic Friday, where a highly-ranked forecaster will lead discussion on a forecast of interest

  • Feedback Friday, where new and experienced users alike can learn more on how to use the platform

  • Friday Frenzy, a spirited discussion about the forecasts on questions on the front page of the main feed

This event will take place virtually in Gather Town from 12pm to 1pm ET.

To join, enter Gather Town and use the Metaculus portal. We’ll see you there!

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