EA logo and title on Reddit’s r/​Place

EDIT 2, Current Progress: https://​​imgur.com/​​a/​​jrJWVSE

EDIT: Current efforts being organised here https://​​discord.gg/​​zQWGWtVR

You may have seen the post yesterday: https://​​forum.effectivealtruism.org/​​posts/​​Fa8cHGaQgrxPmS9fr/​​initiative-to-draw-the-ea-logo-on-reddit-s-r-place

This iniative is now taking place, drawing https://​​www.pixilart.com/​​art/​​ea-r-place-9560b2aa0be3 at around the coordinates (1650, 571).

We need all the help we can get, join this Reddit chat group for coordination/​ideas on how to improve! https://​​s.reddit.com/​​c/​​18r6hpr61185e

In the linked forum post someone also had the idea of writing a bot to automate the task, if anyone has the expertise for this let me know!

EDIT: Current efforts being organised here https://​​discord.gg/​​zQWGWtVR

EDIT 2, Current Progress: https://​​imgur.com/​​a/​​jrJWVSE