EA logo and title on Reddit’s r/Place
EDIT 2, Current Progress: https://imgur.com/a/jrJWVSE
EDIT: Current efforts being organised here https://discord.gg/zQWGWtVR
You may have seen the post yesterday: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/Fa8cHGaQgrxPmS9fr/initiative-to-draw-the-ea-logo-on-reddit-s-r-place
This iniative is now taking place, drawing https://www.pixilart.com/art/ea-r-place-9560b2aa0be3 at around the coordinates (1650, 571).
We need all the help we can get, join this Reddit chat group for coordination/ideas on how to improve! https://s.reddit.com/c/18r6hpr61185e
In the linked forum post someone also had the idea of writing a bot to automate the task, if anyone has the expertise for this let me know!
EDIT: Current efforts being organised here https://discord.gg/zQWGWtVR
EDIT 2, Current Progress: https://imgur.com/a/jrJWVSE
- EA on r/Place: An Art Project Post-mortem by Apr 13, 2022, 9:47 PM; 42 points) (
- Apr 2, 2022, 8:59 PM; 2 points) 's comment on Initiative to draw the EA logo on Reddit’s r/place by (
Note that the location has changed to (
1906,587). Details on why/how are on the subreddit.EDIT:
After relocating to(1906,587), we have successfully been able to put up the EA logo plus the EffectiveAltruism.org url! I’m impressed by the effort that some of our redditors have.While it may not exactly be the best use of any one person’s time, and there was somewhat significant effort (by 2–3 redditors) put into negotiating with nearby subreddits, it appears that a discord channel of relatively few EAs has been successful at this communications project. Please check out the image live by clicking the coordinates above, or you can see a screenshot here.
The intention from here is to defend the text from trolls so that it makes it to the final canvas when the r/Place event ends.
EDIT 2: The EA logo+text is now located at (957,1772). We are stable in this new location, thanks to help from several surrounding communities. You can see what we look like by clicking the coordinates link.
Current Progress: https://imgur.com/a/jrJWVSE
EDIT: Current efforts being organised here https://discord.gg/zQWGWtVR
Thanks for taking this over from my way-too-ambitious attempt!