
Karma: 749

I’m the Executive Director at Effective Giving Quest, a fundraising org at the intersection of EA and gaming. I also am an Organizer of WikiProject Effective Altruism, where we coordinate effective altruism related articles on Wikipedia, and am a moderator of r/​EffectiveAltruism, the main EA subreddit with 20,000 members. Most of my history with EA is through my service at Animal Charity Evaluators from 2012–2022; I helped influence ACE’s formation in 2012 and became the 2nd paid employee in 2013 as Director of Communications. Between 2019–2022, I served as Secretary on ACE’s Board of Directors.

I’ve been involved with the EA movement since 2011, well before the phrase “effective altruism” was coined. I hope to continue being a part of the movement for many years to come.

You can learn more about me through my personal blog at I also have a profile up on the EA Hub.

EA on r/​Place: An Art Pro­ject Post-mortem

EricHerbosoApr 13, 2022, 9:47 PM
42 points
5 comments3 min readEA link