Please Welcome and Congratulate Our Incoming UC Berkeley EA Chapter President

Dear Friends,

My term of office as president of EA Berkeley ends at the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester. In accordance with our constitution and bylaws, the EA Berkeley Board has met and elected Dylan Miars as the EA president for the 2021-22 school year. With the pandemic striking and making in person meetings impossible during my 2020-21 school year tenure, it was a difficult period during which to run the group. That said, I am boundlessly thankful to Aris Richardson, Benjamin Micallef, Caroline Jeanmarie, Cristian Alamos, Dylan Miars, Joy Liu, Juliana Chase, Rohin Shah, Sonya Lebedeva, Trevor Wooley, and many others for any successes the group has had.

While Dylan’s term does not officially start until the beginning of the Fall semester, Dylan deserves all of our support, hopes, and dreams to make the 2021-22 school year more successful than the 2020-21 school year. To give Dylan the best start, I have effectively let him take the reins of leadership, and am providing him any assistance I am capable of. I hope you will do the same.

Sincerely and With Much Love,



Mahendra Prasad

PhD Candidate

Political Science

UC Berkeley