Metaculus’s next Forecast Friday is hosted by Nikos Bosse, presenting, “Challenges of Human Judgement Forecasting in Epidemiology.”
Nikos recently received an MD, and is working towards a PhD in infectious disease forecasting. He’s written many articles on Metaculus’s forecast accuracy. He will give a non-technical overview of how people have approached forecasting the spread of diseases, and discuss some of the more interesting forecasting challenges that epidemiologists face.
Metaculus’s Forecast Friday, June 23 at 12pm ET
Metaculus’s next Forecast Friday is hosted by Nikos Bosse, presenting, “Challenges of Human Judgement Forecasting in Epidemiology.”
Nikos recently received an MD, and is working towards a PhD in infectious disease forecasting. He’s written many articles on Metaculus’s forecast accuracy. He will give a non-technical overview of how people have approached forecasting the spread of diseases, and discuss some of the more interesting forecasting challenges that epidemiologists face.