@Linch, I’m curious if you’ve taken an intermediate microeconomics course. The idea of maximizing utility subject to a budget constraint (ie. constrained maximization) is the core idea, and is literally what EAs are doing. I’ve been thinking for a while now about writing up the basic idea of constrained maximization, and showing how it applies to EAs. Do you think that would be worthwhile?
@Linch, I’m curious if you’ve taken an intermediate microeconomics course. The idea of maximizing utility subject to a budget constraint (ie. constrained maximization) is the core idea, and is literally what EAs are doing. I’ve been thinking for a while now about writing up the basic idea of constrained maximization, and showing how it applies to EAs. Do you think that would be worthwhile?
I’d love to read such a post.
I did in sophomore year of college (Varian’s book I think?), but it was ~10 years ago so I don’t remember much. 😅😅😅. A primer may be helpful, sure.
(That said, I think it would be more worthwhile if you used your model to produce an answer to my question, and then illustrate some implications).